Tuesday, May 8, 2012

sensitive moment

maybe wad am doing now is not wad i had plan earlier
the process or the track i'm going is totally apart from what i want earlier

i had always asked
ask myself whether it is right

how if it is wrong

will be wrong

or it is destiny to be that way

i had no idea

but just follow what my intuition is


after so many many things that happened
i don't really bother bout the process anymore

i am well aware of the result

the result that will brings me a better life and lesser problems

i'm sickening of troubles
i'm sickening of things around me that can cause me sleepless night

don't questioned me anything
just support will do
cause things never turn in what you want
but it teaches me how to trade from one to another to get the end result

last time
process meant alots to me
but now
result means more to me

if what i'm doing now can please my family
i'll do
i'm tired to walk against their way

-not any negative thought-
-is just a sentimental thought-
-is just a sigh-
-is just a symbol of getting older-
-think in other way round, is actually not a bad thing-

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